Click HERE to see upcoming meeting agendas
This report highlights weekly construction activity on the Green Meadow Building project. Click Here for Weekly Field Reports
Thank you Maynard community for your show of support at the Town Meeting and Debt Exclusion vote for the project. With your support, the project is moving forward into the MSBA Module 6 - Detailed Design! Some more great news is that the MSBA's supplemental grant amount has been confirmed, and it is $7M! This will increase the MSBA's project contribution by $7M, and reduce Maynard's share by the same. MSBA's project share goes from 35% to 44%, and Maynard's share goes from 65% down to 56%!
Hello Maynard Community! The Green Meadow Elementary School Building Committee would like your feedback regarding the HVAC system selection for the very exciting Green Meadow Elementary School project. The below survey is live through Sunday June 4th. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Hi Maynard Community! The Green Meadow Elementary School Building Committee has posted the project’s 5/3/23 Community Forum slideshow here: GMES 5/3/23 Comm. Forum Slideshow. The committee would love if you took some time to review. Thanks!
Hi Maynard Community! On behalf of the Green Meadow Elementary School Building Committee, please use the link below to gain access to the project’s Schematic Design submission to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). It’s this submission that is the root of the Project Scope & Budget Agreement that is forthcoming between the Town and the MSBA. Thank you very much for your consideration of this very exciting project!
Come Join Us!
There will be an IN-PERSON COMMUNITY MEETING on Wednesday, May 3rd at 7pm in the Green Meadow Cafeteria hosted by the Green Meadow Building Committee.
Come learn about the new school project and share your thoughts!
All are welcome and enouraged to attend!
We hope to see you there.
On November 29, 2022, the Green Meadow Elementary School Building Committee hosted a Community Forum to update the Maynard community on the design progress of the Green Meadow Elementary School project. The SBC also provided an update regarding the project timeline. The Forum was held via Zoom, and a recording can be found at the link below:
We encourage members of the public to review this when you have a chance, and please feel free to reach out to members of the Committee with any questions you may have. We hope to see you at the next School Building Committee Meeting or Forum!
Hello Maynard!
As part of an ongoing effort to ensure information about the Green Meadow School building project is as widely available as possible for the public, the Meeting Minutes of all School Building Committee meetings continue to be posted on the Project Website, under the Meeting Minutes tab.
(Use this link for quick navigation:
Recently, the project team has taken this a step further, to also include DRAFT Meeting Minutes still pending full Committee approval votes, in an effort to quickly disseminate information about recent happenings at SBC Meetings. We hope this change is helpful, and we look forward to hearing your feedback!
As shared at the August 22, 2022 School Building Committee Meeting, the Design Team has put together this conceptual display board showing the project’s design progress. As the team continues to work through the design process, we are pleased to be able to share these updated renderings with you!
Over the next few months, the project will work through the MSBA Module 4 - Schematic Design, where the project design will be advanced to incorporate detailed input from numerous user groups; who will focus on such issues as Site Design & Utility Coordination, Security / Public Safety, Specialist Staff programming, Sustainability, etc. We will keep you posted as the design continues to evolve in new and exciting ways!
Hi Maynard Community! The Green Meadow Elementary School project team has submitted its second MSBA submission! This submission is called the Preferred Schematic Report (PSR) and it advances the initial existing conditions verification, educational visioning & programming and Owner / Community coordination into multiple design alternatives, shows MSBA the design alternative evaluation process taken by the project team, and highlights which design alternative was ultimately selected at the end of the process.
Below is a link to a Google Drive folder that contains the previous Preliminary Design Program (PDP) submission as well as the recent PSR submission. As always, we thank you very much for your attention to the project, and we’ll continue to keep you informed as the project moves along the MSBA process!
Update (June 2022)
At the May 24th Green Meadow Elementary School Building Committee meeting, the Building Committee voted to select Design Alternative #7 as the preferred design alternative out of the seven studied. As the design process continues there will naturally be slight modifications to the building and site design. But big-picture, design alternative #7 is the design scheme the Green Meadow Elementary School Building Committee will be moving along with, and they’re excited to keep the community informed and continue to welcome community input as the design process continues.
Green Meadow Building Project FAQ's
Update (May 2022)
Hello Maynard Community,
Please review the Design Alternatives that were presented at the 4/27/22 Community Forum and complete the survey linked here.
Update (May 2022)
Hello Maynard Community,
Please review the Design Alternatives that were presented at the 4/27/22 Community Forum. These were part of the Preliminary Design Program Submission made previously to the MSBA. We would love to hear your input as the School Building Committee evaluates these options to find the one that best meets the needs of our school district and community.
Please have a look and email Matthew Sturz, Project Manager, at with any comments or feedback you may have for any of these building or site design alternatives.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Green Meadow Elementary School Building Committee
On or about April 2019, Maynard Public Schools and the Town of Maynard (the Owner) submitted a Statement of Interest to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) for the Green Meadow Elementary School. The MSBA is an independent public authority that administers and funds a program for grants to eligible cities, towns, and regional school districts for school construction and renovation projects. The MSBA’s grant program is discretionary, and no city, town, or regional school district has any entitlement to any funds from the MSBA.
At the February 11, 2021 Board of Directors meeting, the MSBA voted to issue an invitation to the Owner to conduct a feasibility study for this Statement of Interest to identify and study possible solutions and, through a collaborative process with the MSBA, reach a mutually-agreed upon solution. The MSBA has not approved a Project and the results of this feasibility study may or may not result in an approved Project.
It is anticipated that the feasibility study will review the problems identified in the Statement of Interest at the Green Meadow Elementary School.
The Green Meadow Elementary School currently has a PK-3 grade configuration. As a result of a collaborative analysis with the MSBA of enrollment projections and space capacity needs for the Green Meadow Elementary School, the Town of Maynard acknowledges and agrees that the design of the proposed project at the Green Meadow Elementary School, is based in accordance with the following design enrollment:
- 395 students in grades K-3 and the anticipated PK student enrollment
As part of the MSBA "Module 2: Forming the Team", the Owner procured the services of an Owner's Project Manager in Colliers Project Leaders (July 2021) and the services of a design team lead by architectural firm Mount Vernon Group (November 2021) to assist in guiding the Owner through the remaining MSBA project modules:
- Module 3: Feasibility Study Phase
- Module 4: Schematic Design Phase
- Module 5: Funding the Project Phase
The cumulation of this Feasibility Study for the Green Meadow Elementary School will be in the form of a local Town vote in 2023. If the project is not approved to move forward by the Maynard taxpayers, the feasibility study is completed at that point. If the project is approved to move forward by the Maynard taxpayers, the Green Meadow Elementary School project will execute a Project Funding Agreement with MSBA and move on into the rest of design, bidding, construction and project closeout.