A new site has been created to keep GMS families and community members informed about the school facility. It includes past testing and reports, building updates, and future plans for the Green Meadow School. 

The Green Meadow Future Committee was established in April 2019 to examine the building needs and make recommendations to the school committee.  Members include community, parent, and teacher representatives.  Their meetings are open to the public  and usually take place in the GMS cafeteria (upcoming dates are scheduled for the Thursday alternating with school committee meeting).

Link to site: http://greenmeadowfuture.com/

Email contact for questions regarding the building: GMBuilding@maynard.k12.ma.us

We are extremely grateful for the outpouring of support we have received from the Maynard Community!  Along with many words of encouragement, GMS staff members were treated to a delicious breakfast and pizza luncheon in February 2019. On Valentine's Day, they were surprised to walk in and find parents had decorated our lobby with hearts displaying messages from students.

Thank you to the many parents & community members who have 'filled our buckets' with kindness!!

We are so appreciative of the many families and community members who have come forward to offer assistance and support! Since space is limited, we ask that you hold off on sending in used toys or other items until we have a better idea of what is needed and a system for managing donations. In response to many inquiries, teachers began developing these Amazon wish lists:

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Photo of positive comments.